I haven’t included the fonts in the ZIP file, as it’s not my place to distribute other peoples’ fonts. The colors aren’t exactly correct, so you’d have to twiddle with them. The main typeface is Kabel, which you have to pay for, so I used knockoff fonts that are similar, but not the original. The typefaces aren’t exactly proper, especially on the property cards. If I had more time, I would have properly illustrated them in a fancy program called Illustrator. All the icons (electric company, trains, go, free parking, etc…) were drawn quite poorly in Photoshop. A lot of the dimensions are eyed-up and not necessarily exact measurements. Didn’t have time to illustrate Luxury Tax, Guy in Jail, amongst other things. He wasn’t relevant to my project so he was left out. That being said, there are a few shortcomings with my template, but all of them can be fixed quickly. However, Christmas time was fast approaching, so I didn’t have a whole lot of time to labor over every detail. I set the file at CMYK/300dpi and set the dimensions at 20in x 20in, the actual Monopoly board dimensions.
So I took it into Photoshop, simplified a lot of the structure, and designed the board to mirror the original Monopoly design. It was a good start, but the creator was rushing to do it quickly and overlooked a few things. I can’t say I searched the 4 corners of the globe for a proper template, so the best I came up with was something that someone threw together quickly in a forum somewhere. So began my quest to find a Monopoly template for Photoshop, something that I could just open up on in Photoshop, swap out the default titles with my own, and if I wanted to, redesign any element of the board. It only has 9 spaces per side instead of the official Monopoly’s 10, you have to print it out on your home computer, and just lacks the overall look and feel of the original game. I remember seeing something for a “ Make Your Own Opoly” game, but when i checked it out, I found out it’s whack. Christmas time was fast approaching and the idea popped into my head to create a custom Monopoly game for my family.